Refugees are people who have fled their homelands due to persecution or fear of persecution because of religious beliefs, ethnicity, or political affiliation.

They move on to temporary residence in refugee camps, typically in neighboring countries, where they remain until another country grants them permission to enter. While the average stay in a camp is 7 years, many refugees have lived in camps for up to twenty years.

They marry, have children, and grow old in a place that can never really be "home." Once a refugee obtains permission from the U.S. government to resettle here, they go through a rigorous series of interviews by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS).

After the interview process, provided that the refugees are accepted, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) arranges for their transportation from the camp to the US. In their journey of resetting here in their new home HOF help in these areas: 

  • Help find affordable housing

  • Provision of furniture and basic household items

  • Assistance in applying for refugee benefits

  • Enrollment in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes

  • Assistance with employment and self-sufficient training

  • Orientation to life in America

  • Translation services as needed

  • Life skills course 

  • Citizenship class

  • USCIS applications